
*sighs happily* D2 is really quite perfect. If he knew half of it he'd probably argue to me to death. TO DEATH!

So he planned a splendid date tonight. We started at a hotel (the first time he ever took his girlfriend to a hotel) and walked around Opry Mills Hotel together, just enjoying the 'river' and waterfalls and general ambiance. And then we drove to Virago and had dinner. And it was fun!

He looked quiet dashing.

After that we drove back and sat in a parking lot and just talked. He was very open and honest with me, and I appreciated it greatly, I know how hard it is for him to do that sometimes. (most of the time) And it was just nice, and relaxing, and I completely enjoyed it.

I respect and enjoy him so much. I don't think he even knows! He's just so dang soothing and relaxing. I can't help it. I just like being around him. Like I can be so wound up and tense and uptight and having a horrible day, but then just seeing him and being around him totally relaxes me.

Sometimes I pray... no you know I'll tell you that one another day i think.

Sometimes I feel bad cause I think i'm doing all the talking, and he just has to interrupt me, but I dunno. i'm rambling I should go to bed... I think I will right more later



1 Musings of Other Wanderers:

Anonymous said...

*raises hand* Where's my clone????
Way to go, D2. I love hearing about how you make my friend so happy.