
So before I continue to write this, i have a confession. I'm a horrible person for it, but it happens. Here goes: sometimes when I'm listening to sermons on Sunday mornings, my mind wanders to life. Particularly how something the pastor just said applies to life or helps explain life.

Today was one of those days. It was a very good sermon about America and the Seven gifts it needs for this 233 birthday.

I think he was talking about diligent workers, and how we shouldn't pass students who can't preform the skills and things like that.

And I was thinking, you know that 1)yes it breeds negligent workers but 2) it doesn't prepare them well at all for college of real life.

If you can't hack it at college you get failed. If you can't hack it at work you get fired.

This thought hopscotched through around till it hit equal opportunity and how that breeds workers who don't work or strive to do well at their job. I mean they are hired to fill a quota so (some not all making generalizations here, I know it's not one size fits all so bear with me ) they don't feel that they have to work so hard, after all they are filling a quota, therefore their job is pretty secure and they can't be fired with out being racists. (no matter what the ethnicity) This also leads to resentment by other workers who actually DO a good job, but have to pick up the slack for other people, when really they should be fired.

However the implications of not having equal opportunity leads to employees discriminating against ethnicities that they don't like.

Which lead to America is turning more legalistic everyday. Because we can't prosecute on the spirit of the law, we have to create more law that define how everyting is supposed to be done. Like equal oppurtinity. it's spirit is to eradicate sexual, and ethnocentric discrimination, but since the "letter" of the law is such that if you don't hire some one they can rant and rail about how you didn't hire them becuse of ther gender, or their race, costing you money.

By creating more laws that are supposed to uphold the spirit of a law creates more legality, because you aren't taking into account the heart behind an action.

But then that sums up the problems with the Law of Man. we can't know the heart, only God can.

This all leads back to: Your life is your ow. RIse up and live it. We can't fix the problems with our nation (without God first and foremost) with out taking pride in our humanity and putting pride into what we do, and realizing that the world doesn't owe you anything. That you have to make your own choices and live with those consequences.

And Now i'm hungry. So i'm goin to choose to get something to eat.

0 Musings of Other Wanderers: