
8 reasons to love sororities

Wait what?

Hang on I need to check my temperature. I must be sick. I tease and rail mercilessly against sororities.

Nope I'm good. No fevers.

But this isn't your typical sorority. The only dues you HAVE to pay is in time.

I'm talking about the Facebook App Game Sorority Life. Now, before you run off, let me say I was forced to play this game for a class (curses T! curses! :D) In and off it's self it's pretty much like Vampire Wars, Mafia Wars. Bloodlines, Castle age, Robin Hood, in how the game works. How you level up et cetera.

But this one differs in the people that play it. Largely women, most seem to be playing it just for fun. Not to demolish and entire army to be mob boss or anything else. Thought to say that everyone gets along is far from the truth. It is competitive, but the players have set up their own rues of conduct in order for the game to be fun and more of a social event for them to partake in.

One such example of PLAYER imposed rules of etiquette is no slapping. Slapping is considered cowardly and back handed and massively frowned upon. Not leaving a note when you steal someones boyfriend, also a big no no!

However, on the flip side, it is probably the only place real or fake that i have seen that girls are asking other girls to steal their boyfriends.... odd I know.

But oddly enough there is a nice thing to love about this particular sorority is that a lot of the people playing this game really do care about connecting with other people.

The Broadcast message boards are always hopping with talk of peoples lives, and people that you only added to your house because you needed more friends in the game for something will always comment or give advice or be that virtual shoulder to cry on.

Prime Example:

Today I had a rough day. I didn't sleep much, had a paper to write, have a boooooring, really weird, highly incestuous book to finish for school, and i had to work an 8hr shift with other people who were having a bad day. (oh also... lost an hour of my night for writing said paper because of daylight saving time.) My day wasn't to bad until work time. By the time I got home, I was ready to veg out, watch a little TV, talk to one of my best friends, and generally do nothing. Unfortunately for me, I had to spend 15 minutes fixing my internet, nothing good on TV, and my best friend was elsewhere. (she has a life, and I'm ok with it.) So I got on to sorority life to veg and for class and I found this note:

You are such an amazing person, do not let anyone tell you differently. Love you, hope you have a great day, even though we lost and hour. Day light savings, lol".

Now, She doesn't know me personally, and I'm sure she probably wrote that on everyone's wall. But the fact that she took the time to write it once and to copy and paste it means a lot in this day and age. Not to mention it brightened my day, which I'm positive was the purpose.

Never underestimate the power of a sorority (even if it is fake).

1 Musings of Other Wanderers:

firebirdsinger said...

I'm sorry I wasn't around! *tear* I love you BUNCHES!