
So I finished my mini-project 2 for my advertising class. Turning it in later today with no time to fix it and reprint it. Which is a shame considering I misspelled 'avocados' (how did I do that?) oh and 'exercise'(uh what?) also I don't like the Jackson Pollock one. But I don't have time to find another font. Oh well.

Mo Shearc is sick. I think it might be progressing into bronchitis, much to his chagrin. Unfortunately I get bronchitis all the time, so I don't understand why he's so heavily opposed to the fact that he probably has it. It's not fun, but as long as you catch it in time it's not horrible either. It's only if it gets way down deep into the lungs and is almost Pneumonia that sucks. (trust me i know... loooooong story)

Mom's white blood cell count is down. Her rheumatologist said it's nothing to worry about, but she has to go back in December to have blood drawn to see if they need to drop her dosage of Methotrexate. (My mom as Rheumatoid Arthritis)

And it's time for class, I'll write again!

2 Musings of Other Wanderers:

Bobby said...

You guys are all in my prayers! Thanks for the comments!

firebirdsinger said...

Get well, D2! Sorry about the spelling errors, sciath tine. I hate it when that happens.