
I have yet to decide if my mood changes to match the weather, or if the weather just senses that I'd be better off having matching weather.

A deep misty fog covers all of Murfreesboro right now. Corporeal confusion winding it's way into every nook and corner, reaching out with it's cold clammy hands leaving dripping cold fingerprints upon everything it touches.

I am beginning to not like Christmas very much. It has always been my favorite time of year. but it seems the last couple of years this time of year has been nothing but stress and turmoil, reevaluating, tension, and that Spiritual learning that Starts now but you just don't get until about the same time next year.

And I hate it.

I hate confusion. HATE it HATE HATE hate hate LOOOOOATHE. And to make it worse, stuff like this always happens when I think that personally my life is going on the right track. And then it's like a sucker punch to the gut.

Perhaps though my personal mists of confusion will vanish with the rising sun. One can hope right?

0 Musings of Other Wanderers: