
Hello fellow wanderers, I'm writing from Delaware!

Vacation is turning out to be a blast. Mo Shearc keeps us busy, he's slightly regretful of it, but I don't mind at all, it has been great fun meeting all of his friends and getting to see him around friends he's had all his life, his parents are fun, very sweet.

It has been a growing and learning experience as well, for me. Maybe not so much growing/learning new things, but having them hit home, you know? You know how you hear something your whole life and it just takes the right moment and circumstances for it to just make sense, yeah, that.

I like who I am when I am around M.S. he makes me want to be better, to be the best, not just for myself but for him.

Schools just around the corner, I like my courses this semester, my schedual, while not prime, isn't bad, friday classes.... bleh... but it is a small price to pay for the rest of the sweetness of schedual.

I am out people I have people to help places to be


0 Musings of Other Wanderers: