Confession time again. I have read Twilight. yup. I have. And when I was reading the first three I was quite a fan. After the forth one, I was still a fanish. Having had some time to come down off the crack and fluff high, not such a fan. For several reasons. The first being, Meyers really isn't that great of a writer. Period. Argue all you want, but she isn't. She had a debatably origional idea with a debateably interesting storyline that appealed to the romantic side of every preteen (and adult) female.
I am a big fan however of the "supernatural" stories. (Hey my favorite show is Supernatural) I love vampires, werewolves, banshees, faeries, et cetera. . .Which is probably one reason I did read Twilight.
Looking back over it, i began to wonder why anyone would really HONESTLY be looking for an "Edward" (said with fangirl longing and sighing.) I mean, dude is creepy. rawling in her window everynight BEFORE she even knows he likes her, to watch her sleep? Creepy. I don't care who you are or how romantic you think it is. (?but but he LOVED her! ) Loved her my right butt cheek. That is possesive. In the creepy. Why didn't you answer my every phone call, now i'm stalking you kinda way. Oh yeah and then there is the whole stalkerish following her everywhere, that's creepy to.
If Bela hand't liked him back, (which can we really trust that she did? i mean it's already stated that vampires are built to attract humans, easier prey and all) then she would have thought he was creepy. We all would have.
But have no fear, Meyer's remedied this creeptastic and mentally unstable behavior, by a)making the main characters actually like each other, and more importantly b) making Edward Cullen virtually perfect.
I mean there is no downside to this guy. Good looking, smart, loving, talented, and filthy stinking rich. (which by the way, thank you Meyers for making vampires pansies. Now they aren't cool at all. I mean the only think that even links your vamps to the traditional andpreviously known vampires is the fact they drink blood)
So i'm watching this and sitting here thinkin about why would anyone want that kind of Edward/Bela relationship, i mean there are some definite warning signs about controlling relationships. (Seperatin them from their families and loved ones, makng them think they are totally dependant on you/life isn't worth it with out them, et cetera.)'
And it sorta started to make sense why this is so attractive to so many people.
No matter what we here about how women should be more independant/feminist, deep down we all want to be loved so completely as to feel completed when we are around the other person.
Which makes me laugh even more at Twilight. Because girls hold up relationships like that as the ultimate and use it as a measuring stick, when real love isn't like that at all. Real love takes work, and it's not all happily ever after. When it comes down to it, life is still gonna suck, and your not going to live forever with money to roll in. Life is pretty much going to be the same as it was before you met your "true love", except for now you have someone to love and be loved by walking beside you.
And to all the girls out there who are measuring their guys to Edward. Eddie's fictional. He's not real, you arne't going to find someone like Ed. Nor should you want to, because then your missing out on the individual who is probably perfect for you. But hey if you insist on finding you Edward, give that creepy stalker guy who wob't leave you alone a chance, maybe instead of telling him to hit the road you should give him a chance, after all, he just loves you.
Posted by WanderingEowyn at 10:59 AM 4 Musings of Other Wanderers
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